The lovely Nicola at Shortbookandscribes kindly nominated me to take part in the Mid-year Freak Out tag. It’s not often I talk about myself and this looked like a lot of fun, plus gave me the opportunity to think about the books I have read so far this year, so thank you Nicola 🙂
Here are the questions and my answers:
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2017:
2017 has been a brilliant year for books so far and I have really enjoyed every book I have read so far. My favourite, however, has to be Sealskin by Su Bristow. I adored everything about this beautiful book.

2. Best sequel of 2017 so far:
This has to be The Day That Never Comes by Caimh McDonnell. This is the second part of The Dublin Trilogy and it had me roaring with laughter. It has a mad German Shepherd called Maggie in it and saw the return of Bunny McGarry. I can’t wait for the third book.

3. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to:
There are a few I need to get around to reading but The Vanishing by Sophia Tobin is probably the highest on my must read list!

4. Most anticipated release of the second half of 2017:
Another difficult one to answer as there are so many amazing sounding books due out this year. I’m going to go for House of Spines by Michael J Malone. I adore psychological thrillers and gothic novels and this book promises both!

5. Biggest disappointment of 2017:
Oh I’m not sure I can answer this one! I have had a brilliant reading year so far and there hasn’t been any books that I haven’t enjoyed. If pushed, I would have to say We All Begin As Strangers by Harriet Cummings. There is nothing wrong with the book, I just expected more. This is my personal taste, however, and other reviewers have loved it. I now feel awful!!!

6. Biggest surprise:
Mary’s The Name by Ross Sayers. This beautiful debut novel took me totally by surprise … in the best way! For a man to completely encapsulate a young girl was the biggest surprise for me. It’s wonderful!

7. Favourite new author (debut or new to you):
Wow another difficult question! There are so many, but I will say Patricia Gibney. her debut The Missing Ones is fantastic and a great start to a new detective series.

8. Newest fictional crush:
I don’t really have fictional crushes! The only one I have ever had was for Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights which I read as an angst-ridden teenager!

9. Newest favourite character:
It has to be Wee Mary in Mary’s The Name by Ross Sayers. I wanted to adopt her!

10. Book that made you cry:
Reconciliation for the Dead by Paul E Hardisty didn’t make me cry but it left me feeling incredibly emotional. I did shed a tear at Mary’s The Name.

11. Book that made you happy:
This has to be Mystery at Maplemead Castle by Kitty French. It is pure, light-hearted, fun with a great cast of characters.

12. Favourite book to movie adaptation of 2017 you’ve seen:
I haven’t seen any! I rarely get to the cinema due to health problems, the noise can be too much for me and the last time I went to the cinema I thought I was going to black out but luckily instead I fell asleep!
13. Favourite review you’ve written this year:
Oh bloomin’ heck I doubt every review I write! I have to chose one I guess it would be my review for Exquisite by Sarah Stovell. I normally struggle to write reviews for the books I have fallen in love with but for some reason this one came quite easily, despite being in love with the book.

14. Most beautiful book you bought or received this year:
This would have to be the hardback signed copy of Himself by Jess Kidd that my husband bought me for my birthday.

15. Books you need to read by the end of this year:
Seriously have you seen the state of my TBR pile??? This is almost impossible to answer as I have so many! From the top of my head I will say Six Stories by Matt Wesolowski and Block 46 by Johanna Gustafsson.

Being a bit of a tech numpty I have no idea how to tag people in order for them to take part, so instead I will just mention them here! I nominate:
Meggy at Chocolatenwaffles
Mairead at Swirl and Thread
Ronnie at Ronnie Turner
Jen at Jen Med’s Book Reviews
Kate at TheQuietKnitter
Emma at Damppebbles